Fee Rules

  • All fees are to be paid strictly in advance on quarterly basis.
April, May June 1st - 30th April, last date 30th April
July, August, September 1st - 30th July, last date 31st July
October, November., December 1st - 30th October, last date 31st October
January, February March 1st - 30th January, last date 30th January
  • Parents have to obtain, a Pay-in slip from the school office. They are requested to write all the details viz. Name of student, Class, Div., Adm. No correctly in the slip whenever fee is paid.
  • Parents will deposit the fees in the PURVANCHAL GRAMIN BANK - Mangalam Tower, Gorakhpur.
  • A fine of Rs. 200 will be charged, if payments is made after the due date of the quarter.
  • The delay of payments after the last day of the month renders as pupil liable to be struck off the rolls. The pupil will have to seek re-admission on payment of Rs. 400.00
  • Pupils will not be allowed to sit for any test or examination unless all fee dues are paid to date.